I have read and watched this bill that the Republican led legislature in Virginia is working on passing in regards to abortion. They are requiring for a doctor to perform a trans-vaginal ultrasound if a woman requests an abortion. To clarify this, (especially for us guys) the concept of a trans-vaginal ultrasound involves the doctor sticking a probe inside the woman's vagina and perform the ultrasound. Ok, lets truly stop the car a minute and think about this.
Am I a fan of abortion??? No. I am not a fan of terminating a pregnancy for convenience sake. I do understand an abortion in regards to rape, incest or the safety for the health and survival for the mother. Now that we have my stance out of the way, my rant starts.
These people are completely STUPID. The majority of the clown shoes that have placed these bill into rotation are white men. Let me pare that down further. Mostly MEN of proposed these laws. Even that doofus Santorum supports this. A little logic here....1) Who in the hell thinks that these guys know anything about a woman and her health? Really, these dudes know whats best for my wife and my daughter's health. I can imagine that a PAP Smear and those procedures really suck for a woman. But this ultrasound truly necessary to guilt a woman for having an abortion? This is crazy. But what gets me is the sheer hypocrisy of it all. These are the same jabronis that dropped a load in their shorts during the "Obamacare" debate and passage. What happened to the argument that government should stay out of the doctor's office? Or the "Government should be smaller" argument. Yet, they want to impose their will in the churches and bedrooms of our country. What these slack asses who claim to be Christian fail to understand is that God doesn't need their help. As Christians, we are supposed to bring the Good News to the people. How does this bring anyone closer to Christ? Please help me here....People are out of work, people ore hungry, people are poor, people are hurting and this is truly all you can come up with? Citizens of Virginia, get a clue and vote these clowns shoes out as soon as possible. Just my .02 cents worth....